Science Behind A Perfect Cup Of Coffee!!
How about a cup of coffee?
Without a jolt of caffeine, many do not start their day. Various caffeinated drinks affect our health in different ways. A stimulant with both positive and negative effects is caffeine itself. Most of us feel more alert, awake, and concentrate better after consuming caffeine but too much of anything have destructive effects. In spite of widespread consumption, few individuals are actually aware of how caffeine works in the body. Do we ever wonder how brain reacts to the perfect cup of coffee?

Why caffeine the most commonly used psychoactive drug in the world???
Caffeine, primarily due to its mood-enhancing and stimulatory effects, is the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance in the world. Caffeine has psychoactive effects and affects the way we feel about the environment around us and connect with it. Yet think about how many of us without it can’t – or won’t – go through a day. One of the things why caffeine is seldom discussed is that it is, in fact, a medication. In fact, it’s the world’s most widely used psychoactive substance, which is probably why we don’t think of it as a drug.
It makes us feel alert, but how?
As the day progresses, we grow tired – our brains naturally generate more of a molecule called adenosine from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. This helps us get to bed at night, scientists believe. By mimicking adenosine in the brain, caffeine hijacks this natural mechanism. It latches onto adenosine-designed receptors, moving them out of the way. We’re left feeling more alert and awake as a result after consuming that perfect cup of coffee.
However, adenosine finally wises up to the action of caffeine and allows new receptors for the sleep-inducing molecule to start latching on again. This is why you can suddenly transform your morning cup of coffee into two – the more receptors you have, the more caffeine you need to plug them up.

Active Ingredients in Coffee.
Coffee is an amazingly balanced drink. It comprises hundreds of bioactive compounds that contribute to its strong benefits in terms of health. Many of these substances are antioxidants, which in your cells counteract the harm caused by free radicals. Here are the most significant active ingredients in coffee :

- Caffeine: Caffeine activates the central nervous system, and is the main active ingredient in coffee. It is the psychoactive drug most widely consumed internationally
- Chlorogenic acids (CGAs): Certain biological pathways, such as blood sugar metabolism and high blood pressure, can benefit from these polyphenol antioxidants, both of which are connected to the risk of age-related mental decline.
- Cafestol and kahweol: present in coffee’s natural oil, unfiltered coffee produces high concentrations of these compounds. They may be good for the liver and cancer prevention, but a high intake may increase LDL cholesterol .
- Trigonelline: This alkaloid compound usually unstable at high temperatures and nicotinic acid, also known as niacin, forms during roasting (vitamin B3). By inhibiting bacterial growth, Trigonelline can also help prevent dental cavities.
However, the amounts of these substances in a cup of coffee may vary. This depend on a variety of variables, including the type of coffee beans, how roasted the beans are and how much you drink.
Neurologic Effects of Caffeine
As too much of anything is bad. Classic abuse medications result in specific increases in cerebral activity. It includes release of dopamine in the shell of the nucleus accumbens (the key neural structure for reward, motivation, and addiction). In comparison, caffeine does not cause the release of dopamine in the shell of the nucleus accumbens at doses representing daily human intake. However, it contributes to dopamine release in the prefrontal cortex, which is consistent with its strengthening properties.
In addition, caffeine only enhances the use of glucose at high concentrations in the shell of the nucleus accumbens. This, in turn, nonspecifically activates most brain structures. Thus possibly represents the side effects linked to high intake of caffeine alone. Tolerance for some subjective effects of caffeine may occur in humans. But maximum tolerance for many effects of caffeine on the central nervous system (CNS) does not occur most of the time.
But how much coffee is too much coffee?
Coffee, tea, cola beverages, and chocolate, as well as energy drinks, are dietary sources. Although moderate intake rarely contributes to health risks, higher doses cause adverse effects. These include anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and tachycardia. After intake of low-to-moderate doses (50-300 mg), the most prominent behavioral effects of caffeine occur. These include increased alertness, vitality and ability to focus!! So brew that perfect cup of coffee and ease those busy mornings.
Do you know about Vegan Filter Kappi?
Plantmade has come up with an authentic coffee from Coorg blended with the coconut milk to give you that perfect taste and aroma in every cup for the leisurely indulgence. It is a great alternative for lactose intolerant individuals. A comforting natural coffee and chicory to give you a comforting cup , full of flavour, every-time. Every cup of coffee of Filter Kappi contains protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, Vitamin C for your coffee cravings.